ADAM (Agreement in Disconnected Ad hoc Mobile networks) is an open source consensus implementation specifically designed for the the context of D-MANETs. ADAM is based on a variant of the One-Third-Rule Heard-Of algorithm, extending it with DoDWAN.
Main author: Abdulkader BENCHI
Quick Links
Before start using ADAM, DoDWAN is required to be installed and configured on hosts. For installing DoDWAN, please refer here.
Copyright © 2014-2015 IRISA, Université Européenne de Bretagne. ADAM is a free software, so you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. The source code consists of about 3000 lines of code, and here is:
Getting started
Here, I will present a code example demonstrating how to write a consensus application for D-MANETs. It is intended to be the quickest path to the consensus experience in such networks.
//Step 1: Import the required Packages import casa.consensus.consensusImpl.*; import participantTable.*; import nodes.ConsensusNode; //Step 2: Create a ConsensusFactory. In general, consensus applications begin all by looking up an instance of this class ConsensusFactory cFactory=new ConsensusFactory(); //Step 3: Now you can start using the ConnectionFactory instance to create Session and ConsensusNode instances // Session Session session=cFactory.createSession(...); // ConsensusNode ConsensusNode node=cFactory.createConsensusNode(...); //Step 4: Start the Session session.start(...); //Step 5: Sending Votes; //Step 6: Send the Decision node.decide(...); //Step 7: A ParticipantTable instance can be initialized as follows ParticipantTable pTable=ParticipantTableSingleton.getInstance(); //Step 8: The ParticipantTable can be used to lookup/list known ConsensusNode(s) //lookup a consensus node ConsensusNode node = pTable.lookup(...); //list consensus nodes Collection nodes = pTable.list(...);
The Console
You want to test ADAM in real conditions but you do not want to burn yourself out writing too many applications. Okay, here is the solution. I offer you an interactive tools, called Console. This console provides you with the most commonly commands, i.e., create Sessions/ConsensusNodes, start/list Sessions, send Votes/Decides and the ParticipantTable commands. The console’s source code is available at consensusImpl/console directory.
You can check the scenario in the following figure: there are four devices, named here A, B, C and D. All of these hosts are well-configured. And now, the following steps describe how to run the Console in the this scenario:

Step 1: Launch the console on A, B, C and D
java -cp consensusimpl-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar casa.consensus.consensusImpl.console.TCPConsole
Step 2: Access to the console on A, B, C and D
// The port number could be changed using the configuration file telnet localhost 8800
Congratulation! you can now use it. The following examples demonstrate how to use some of the console commands:
To see the full list of console’s commands on any device, type:
co help
On any device, in order to declare itself as a consensus node type:
co node
On the device A, to create a session named “election_A” in which all the known consensus nodes can participate (i.e., A,B,C and D) type:
co start election_A
On the device B, in order to participate in the session “election_A” and vote “B”, type:
co vote election_A B
On the device C, in order to list the sessions in which it can participate, type:
co list
On the device D, in order to list all the consensus nodes that it knows about (i.e., list the entries of the ParticipantTable)
co participant