R&D Engineer position (project SHERPAM)


SHERPAM (Sensors for Health Recording and Physical Activity Monitoring) is a research project funded by LabEx CominLabs. It gathers research teams from several scientific domains and laboratories (IRISA-Université de Bretagne-Sud, LTSI-Université de Rennes 1, M2S-Université Rennes 2 and ENS Rennes, CIC-IT 804-CHU of Rennes and LAUREPS-Université of Rennes 2).

The goal of project SHERPAM is to design, implement, and validate a system allowing biophysical data to be collected by wearable sensors on a mobile subject, and transmitted wirelessly to a remote monitoring server for data storage and analysis. Three application domains are considered in this project: the prevention of heart failures on fragile patients, the evaluation of functional limitations of arteriopathic patients, and the recognition and quantization of the physical activity of selected subjects.

The global mission of the R&D Engineer is to participate in the design and development of a monitoring system involving wearable biophysical sensors and Android-based smartphones, which will exchange data using a combination of wireless technologies (including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 3G/4G).

This position will be hosted by team IRISA/CASA at Université de Bretagne-Sud, Vannes.

Qualification & experiences

The applicant should hold at least an engineering degree or a MSc degree in Computer Science. A PhD in Computer Science would be highly appreciated.

Skills & qualities

The applicant should be very familiar with distributed computing, Java programming, and Android application development.


  • Contract duration: 12 months
  • Work place: IRISA/CASA, Université de Bretagne-Sud, France
  • Estimated start date: October 2014
  • Salary: depending on the applicant’s experience


Frédéric Guidec
Campus de Tohannic
56000 Vannes
Tel : +33 2 97 01 72 16
Email : Frederic.Guidec@univ-ubs.fr

Applications must include:

  • Cover letter
  • Detailed CV
  • Transcript of diplomas
  • Letters of reference