MASC: Mobile Adaptive Software Components



The Project MASC is supported by the French “Conseil Régional de Bretagne”.

Context and objectives

Nowadays we observe a multiplication of commercial offers for portable digital devices such as laptops and personal digital assistants (PDAs), which can be equipped -or are equipped natively- with Bluetooth or IEEE 802.11 wireless interfaces. For the owners of such devices, the prospect of exchanging information and services with other people without systematically resorting to some infrastructure network should obviously appear as an attractive one. Yet, although many devices are nowadays capable of ad hoc communication, this possibility is still rarely used. There are actually several reasons for this apparent lack of interest in ad hoc communication. Among these reasons is the fact that most of the application software we are nowadays familiar with (electronic mail, discussion forums, file transfer and sharing, etc.) was designed and implemented so as to be used on traditional workstations connected to infrastructure networks. As a consequence most of the abovementioned applications implementations are usually based on the client-server paradigm, with which services are actually offered by servers whose accessibility must be guaranteed to client programs. Moreover these applications often rely on chatty protocols, and they require synchronous interactions between clients and servers.

Our work aims at fostering the design, the implementation, and the deployment of new application services capable of running on mobile, ad hoc communicating devices. In this work we address problems pertaining to the definition of such application services, to their deployment on mobile devices, and to their execution on these devices.


Peer-to-peer services, Ad hoc networks, Data dissemination, Adaptive components

Publications and presentations

Publications HAL Identifiant hal-00341726;hal-00341748;hal-00341750;hal-00342647;hal-00342131;hal-00342135;hal-00342648

Conference papers


Nicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec, Hervé Roussain. A Context-Aware Middleware Platform for Autonomous Application Services in Dynamic Wireless Networks. InterSense’06, May 2006, Nice, France. pp.9, ⟨10.1145/1142680.1142692⟩. ⟨hal-00341726⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex
Hervé Roussain, Frédéric Guidec. Cooperative Component-Based Software Deployment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. CD’05, Nov 2005, Grenoble, France. pp.1-16. ⟨hal-00341748⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex
Hervé Roussain, Nicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec. Towards an Asynchronous Dissemination and a Safe Deployment of Lightweight Programs in Mobile Networks. WoWMoM’05, Jun 2005, Taormina, Italy. pp.481-483. ⟨hal-00341750⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex
Frédéric Guidec, Hervé Roussain. Asynchronous Document Dissemination in Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks. ISPA’04, Dec 2004, Hong-Kong, China. pp.44-48. ⟨hal-00342131⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex
Hervé Roussain, Frédéric Guidec. A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Asynchronous Data Dissemination in Ad Hoc Networks. PCC’04, Jun 2004, Las Vegas (NV), United States. pp.799-805. ⟨hal-00342135⟩
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Hervé Roussain, Frédéric Guidec. Déploiement de composants logiciels sur des équipements mobiles communicants : une approche coopérative. JC’05, Apr 2005, Le Croisic, France. pp.83-88. ⟨hal-00342647⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex
Frédéric Guidec, Hervé Roussain. Dissémination asynchrone d’information en mode peer-to-peer dans les réseaux ad hoc. UbiMob’04, Jun 2004, Nice, France. pp.207-210. ⟨hal-00342648⟩
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