JAMUS: a secured platform for hosting untrusted mobile code

JAMUS (Java Accommodation of Mobile Untrusted Software) is a demonstrator platform. It is used by the members of group CASA to experiment and validate the resource monitoring services provided by the environment RAJE. Moreover, this platform is used as a framework for studying the specification and the management of non-functional contracts pertaining to the resources used by software components.

JAMUS is dedicated to hosting application programs that can specify their own needs with respect to the resources offered by the system they are deployed on. Any program that applies for being deployed on the platform is expected to first its own needs in both qualitative and quantitative (ie, access permissions and access quotas) . JAMUS can process this information and compare a program’s requirements with contraints imposed on its own resources. An admission control procedure is run in order to decide if a candidate program can be accepted on the platform, and to reserve resources for this program if necessary. When a program has been accepted on the platform, its execution is monitored in order to prevent any attempt to access resources that were not originally required by the program.

JAMUS implements a basic form of resource access contracting. On the one hand, by specifying precisely its own needs regarding the resources it plans to use at runtime, a candidate program requests a speicify service from the platform, while committing itself not to access other resources than those it explicitely asks for. On the other hand, when the platform accepts a program it commits itself to provide this program with the resources it has required, while reserving the right to sanction this program if its behavior does not conform with the contract negotiated during the admission control step.


Publications HAL Identifiant hal-00003298;hal-00342136;hal-00342141;hal-00342143;hal-00343119

Nicolas Le Sommer. Contractualisation des ressources pour le déploiement des composants logiciels. 2004, pp.211-222. ⟨hal-00003298⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
https://hal.science/hal-00003298/file/decor-2004.pdf BibTex
Nicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec. Middleware Support for Resource-Constrained Software Deployment. DAIS’03, Nov 2003, Paris, France. pp.49-60. ⟨hal-00342136⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
https://hal.science/hal-00342136/file/Deployment_dais03.pdf BibTex
Nicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec. A Contract-Based Approach of Resource-Constrained Software Deployment. CD’02, Jun 2002, Berlin, Germany. pp.15-30. ⟨hal-00342141⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
https://hal.science/hal-00342141/file/Contract_cd02.pdf BibTex
Nicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec. JAMUS: Java Accommodation of Mobile Untrusted Software. NordU’02, Feb 2002, Helsinki, Finland. pp.38-48. ⟨hal-00342143⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
https://hal.science/hal-00342143/file/Jamus_nordu02.pdf BibTex
Nicolas Le Sommer, Frédéric Guidec. JAMUS : une plate-forme d’accueil sécurisée pour le code mobile. LMO’02, Feb 2002, Vannes, France. pp.203-215. ⟨hal-00343119⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
https://hal.science/hal-00343119/file/Jamus_lmo02.pdf BibTex
