Ongoing and recent projects
- O’BROWSER (ANR) : Opportunistic Fog Computing with Browsers
- SHERPAM (CominLabs) : Sensors for Health Recording and Physical Activity Monitoring
- C3PO (ANR) : Collaborative Creation of Contents and Publishing using Opportunistic networks
- ASAWoO (ANR) : Adaptive Supervision of Avatar/Object Links for the Web of Objects
Past projects
- Ship2ship: Exchange of navigational data between race sailboats
- CoMoBioS: Communicating Mobile Biometric Sensors
- SARAH: Asynchronous Services for Ad Hoc Networks
- DoDWAN-expe: Experimentation of opportunistic, ad hoc communication
- MASC: Mobile Adaptive Software Components
- Cubik: Distributed ubiquitous components
- RAJE: Resource-Aware Java Environment
- Concerto: Parallel adaptive components
- JAMUS: Java Accommodation of Mobile Untrusted Software
- Expresso (in french): Object services for high-performance networks